10th June 2021
09.00 - 09.15
09.15 - 10.45
I SESSION: Interconnections
Chairperson: V. Poletti
IVasculitides: pathogenetic update
Hodgkin Lymphoma. History of its definition: from morphology to molecular biology
COVID-19 interstitial pneumonia. Pathogenesis
10.45 - 13.00
II SESSION: ILD-phenotypes
Chairperson: E. Bendstrup
Progressive fibrosing ILDs: what the bounderies?
Hypersensitivity pneumonitis: different subsets
IPF:different phenotypes
Alveolar proteinosis
14.30 - 15.00
III SESSION: Just for fun
Why I like the “Canto V” of the “Inferno”, The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri
15.00 - 16.00
IV SESSION: Multidisciplinary team at work
Chairperson: E. Renzoni
11th June 2021
08.30 - 09.15
V SESSION: Diagnostic approach
Transbronchial cryobiopsy/BAL
Imaging update in ILDs
09.15 - 10.45
VI SESSION: Treatment update
Chairperson: M. Bonifazi
Collagen vascular disorders
Progressive fibrosing ILDs
11.00 - 13.15
VII SESSION: The future
Chairperson: D. Valeyre
IPF: from pathogenesis to treatment proposals
Diagnostic approaches based on molecular biologyq