Torna indietro




Data da 26-09-2024 a 27-09-2024
Responsabile Scientifico EMANUELA BARISIONE
UOC di Pneumologia ad indirizzo Interventistico IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico San Martino, Genova
Regione Liguria
Figura Professionale Medico chirurgo (Discipline: Anatomia patologica, Anestesia e rianimazione, Cardiologia, Chirurgia toracica, Geriatria, Malattie dell'apparato respiratorio, Malattie infettive, Medicina del lavoro e sicurezza degli ambienti di lavoro, Medicina interna, Medicina legale, Oncologia)
Costo 380,00€ + IVA 22%

* Contattare la Segreteria Organizzativa AIPO Ricerche in caso di pagamento esente IVA (Art. 14)

** Diritto di recesso

ProgrammaScarica il programma
Durata 13 ore
Codice Evento 422954
Obiettivo Formativo Documentazione clinica. Percorsi clinico-assistenziali diagnostici e riabilitativi, profili di assistenza - profili di cura
Tipologia Evento FORUM
Numero Max Partecipanti 80
Provider AIPO - Associazione Italiana Pneumologi Ospedalieri (5079)
Test di Valutazione dell'apprendimento Previsto
Valutazione della qualità percepita Previsto

Con la sponsorizzazione non condizionante di:


The interest in respiratory health is taking shape in increasingly shared and cross-cutting needs: the need for early diagnosis, increasingly accurate and less invasive methods, but also solutions for conditions such as asthma and COPD that were once not addressed endoscopically, make Interventional Pneumology a central node of our specialty.
The number of pulmonologists and physicians in training in Diseases of the Respiratory Tract is undergoing impressive growth as a result of the recognition of the fundamental importance of Pneumology in protecting the health of the public.
Interventional Pneumology turns out to be among the most attractive topics for young Colleagues who are beginning their path of growth in Pneumology, and it is our task to accompany them in this great opportunity.
Hence the idea of a Video Forum that illustrates the procedures and tools that are used, their usefulness, as well as the management of possible complications. 
We believe that this new and innovative format can create interest and interaction by soliciting questions and sharing experiences. We also believe that seeing Colleagues work is always a source of extreme interest, can give insights and help to correct the mistakes we unintentionally make in our daily work.

The forum will be held in the utmost eco-sustainability.

Indeed, today more than ever it is necessary to implement a series of actions so that the consumption of resources will allow future generations to have an equal amount of resources available to them than we have had.  Each of us, after all, in our own small way can do something to contribute to the preservation of the environment. In our Video Forum you will not find the program (which will be in QRCode only), you will not find badges, plastic bottles, and shuttle transportation will be kept to a minimum.

 Emanuela Barisione