Torna indietro




Data da 07-04-2022 a 08-04-2022
Responsabile Scientifico VENERINO POLETTI
Sede Biblioteca Classense - RAVENNA IT
Regione Emilia Romagna
Figura Professionale Medico chirurgo (Discipline: Anatomia patologica, Malattie dell'apparato respiratorio, Medicina interna, Radiodiagnostica)

The acronym IPF (Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis) corresponds to a clinic-radiological entity with a corresponding morphological background.

Boundaries defined by guidelines and by a constant research activity allow clinicians and other specialists to communicate with an acceptable clarity and they have been fundamental for the emergence of a multidisciplinary approach.

Three significant leaps forward have contributed recently to better understand and treat this still severe disease and to identify similarities with other diffuse parenchymal diseases with a "fibrotic background".

  1. Research on pathogenesis and on efficacious treatments have produced robust results.
  2. Identification of disorders sharing with IPF the "fibrotic background" and progression in spite of steroid/immunosuppressive treatments have enlarged the field in which "antifibrotic drugs" may have (and have already) a role.
  3. Introduction of transbronchial cryobiopsy in clinical practice allows more precise diagnoses and recruitment of lung tissue useful in the context of a multidisciplinary discussion and for research projects.

Finally sharing with specialists from other clinical Specialists or Basic Science Researchers, ideas and data on researches conducted on inflammatory/fibrotic extrapulmonary disorders or on lung, injury due to SARS-CoV-2 infection may increase our knowledge on these "pulmonary fibrotic disorders with a progressive phenotype".

 All these considerations are the "backbone" of the Course. Attendants will also have the possibility to stay in an historical City, Ravenna, already Capital of the Western Roman Empire, Capital of the Ostrogothic Kingdom, then Center of the Byzantine Exarchate, and place in which the mortal Remains of Dante have found peace.

ProgrammaScarica il programma
Durata 9 ore
Codice Evento 344673
Obiettivo Formativo Linee guida - Protocolli - Procedure
Tipologia Evento CORSO
Numero Max Partecipanti 20
Provider AIPO - Associazione Italiana Pneumologi Ospedalieri (5079)
Test di Valutazione dell'apprendimento Previsto
Valutazione della qualità percepita Previsto

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